As the name implies Cotton is a word from the English absorption which is Cotton which means cotton, of course, the cloth is a fabric made from cotton fibers derived from plants and animals.
Cotton fabric that has many advantages such as not easily washed, washed, does not have fur fibers, does not fade easily for colored motifs and absorbs sweat easily. In the digital world priting Cotton T-shirts, including materials that are often used as print media because it is easy to absorb ink, so that the resulting motifs and colors can be printed sharply and perfectly.
Print Cotton Shirts at XL Media Printing, there is no minimum for the number of orders. However, the more orders for Print Cotton Shirts, the lower the selling price. Print units and lots? XL Media Printing continues to serve with all my heart. Don't worry about the quality of your Cotton T-shirt Print results will decline, because of course in XL Media Printing Print Fabric production with consistent results.
Booking Operational Hours :
Day : Monday - Saturday
Hours : 08.00 - 19.00